Don't just dream, of ice cream.
From Great Heights to Big Fails, I dream of flying through the sky! The fall will be magnificent! The machinery works for the moment, a moment of perfection worth all the rest. The flavor of the experience at 34,000 feet, nothing like it. And of course, it ends, but when? Be above it all. By the time they catch on, it will be far, far too late. The fail will be halting and then swift. We know it in our collective souls. Drama is the ultimate currency. Spend wisely and with strategy. - JL
Follow Alex Christoforou (Because I’m a shameless fan!)
And thanks, again, for obeying traffic laws. You may have saved a pedestrian's life! - JL
War happens when the Right People aren't making enough money, and simultaneously, the Wrong People are making too much. This imbalance is resolved with the official violence called War. - JL
link2source - Central Banks Pushing Bitcoin Adoption: China, Japan, US & UK | #BitcoinHardTalk 57 - Simon Dixon * Arbitrage * In economics and finance, arbitrage (/ˈɑːrbɪtrɑːʒ/, UK also /-trɪdʒ/) is the practice of taking advantage of a difference in prices in two or more markets – striking a combination of matching deals to capitalize on the difference, the profit being the difference between the market prices at which the unit is traded. *link - Wikipedia contributors. "Arbitrage." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 23 Aug. 2024. Web. 27 Sep. 2024.
link2source - 10 Surprises of the War in Ukraine - The Burning Archive
link2source - They're Lying To You - The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters - Ukraine War
It's bad commentary on the state of affairs when I'm the one making sense. - link2source - "These Corrupt Elites Will Collapse America" - Trump vs Kamala Election Will Get Crazy | Dave Smith - Tom Bilyeu
INVASIÓN DE PANDILLAS LATINAS DE CHICAGO. HACIENDO SENTIDO DE LO QUE ESTÁ PASANDO *** Más de 100 grupos climáticos están presionando a JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup y otros bancos privados para que dejen de financiar a las empresas mundiales de carne y lácteos. ***
Young at Heart Says Stormy Daniels.
El riesgo de guerra es la razón por la que la Fed bajó las tasas en 50 puntos básicos! *** evento con víctimas en masa ** TROPAS ENVIADAS A LA MASACRE EN LA PRÓXIMA GUERRA SANTA! * La FED bajó su tasa de interés 50 puntos básicos | Informe Semanal - ProteccionSA *** Los demócratas están entrando en pánico. * link Las élites europeas están entrando en pánico - Según FT, el sistema bancario ruso se está estabilizando y se están reduciendo las necesidades de liquidez del Banco Central Ruso. **
******************* Bankruptcy is on the Menu!
link2source - * The cards are on the table. * Desperation Boulevard - Democrats Are Panicking. - Pinball Preparedness *
link2source - A Failure of Civility: Post Election Preparedness - The Hot Zone with Chuck Holton.
link2source - Pepe Escobar - LIVE from Moscow - Judge Napolitano
link2source - Deep State System Collapsing! NYC Mayor Indicted, J6 IG Report Reveals Inside Job! FULL SHOW 9/26/24 - Banned.Video (Bitchute)
link2source - A Buddhist Monk Asks if the Worthless Democrats Will Steal the US Election - Brian Ruhe
link2source - SCOTT RITTER : Israel Suicidal for Invading Lebanon. - Judge Napolitano * Israel Preparing for Land Invasion of Lebanon. * collective punishment is genocide - link - collective punishment is not compatible with the basic principle of individual responsibility * link - History of Lebanon - link2source - The history of Lebanon covers the history of the modern Republic of Lebanon and the earlier emergence of Greater Lebanon under the French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon, as well as the previous history of the region, covered by the modern state. ****
Thanks for reading! - JL
Young at Heart (Frank Sinatra song) - link - written and published in 1953 - Johnny Richards, an American jazz arranger and composer, wrote the instrumental called "Moonbeam", which would then be fashioned into the song: "Young at Heart." - link - Originally an instrumental by Richards called "Moonbeam," would become "Young at Heart" when Leigh added the lyrics. *** Ethel Waters first sang "Stormy Weather" at The Cotton Club night club in Harlem in 1933 - link. *** Dark 'N Stormy, but bold and with more ginger; more spice is added to this classic ingredient. Dark 'N Stormy: the ginger liqueur, adds an extra note of spice to the sweet ginger beer and sour lime juice. The contrasts are delicious and the desire, frothy. *** Not to be confused with Daniels, the 'Stormy' version, who's filmic career is revealed in this blog (The Movie Blog DOT com - 2024-02 - Revealing Stormy: - a peek into the life ... *
Johnny Richards was one of the more progressive-minded arrangers of the 1950s and '60s, turning out big, heavily orchestrated scores with a sometimes unabashed use of dissonance and a good feel for Latin rhythms. link -
link2source - KMart Has Died - Styxhexenhammer666 - Kmart’s blue light fades to black with the shuttering of its last full-scale US store - link ***
“The past is never dead. It’s not even past. All of us labor in webs spun long before we were born, webs of heredity and environment, of desire and consequence, of history and eternity.” William Faulkner, born 25th September 1897
link2source - Col. Larry Wilkerson: Israel HUMILIATED in Epic Defeat! - Russia Destroying Ukraine's Army - Dialogue Works
War of Devolution - The War of Devolution [a] took place from May 1667 to May 1668. In the course of the war, France occupied large parts of the Spanish Netherlands and Franche-Comté, both then provinces of the Holy Roman Empire ruled by Spain. Its name derives from an obscure law known as the Jus Devolutionis, used by Louis XIV to claim that these territories had "devolved" to him by right of marriage to Maria Theresa of Spain. link - Wikipedia contributors. "War of Devolution." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 2 Jul. 2024. Web. 25 Sep. 2024.
And thanks, again, for obeying traffic laws. Bankruptcy may be on the menu, not just for businesses and individuals, but also past ideas, and defunct nations. However, the idea of the nation state, as originally conceived, will be resurgent. It is only our currency that is no longer accepted, having grown stale. Something based on nothing may be worth exactly that, ultimately. Nosedive from nosebleed heights.- JL 9-27-24.