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Dramatic Evolvement to Upside-downdraft





sa solitude auprès de femmes occasionnelles - his solitude with occasional women

a duré trois heures - lasted three hours * pour durer - to last

link2source - How to Pronounce ''Donner des frissons'' (Give chills) Correctly in French - French Pronunciation Guide@FrenchPronunciationGuide

link2source - Jean Francois Michael - Du fond du cœur (1970) - Attaremad@attaremad3531

***** French (Language)

link2source - Fed Pause, Inflation, AI & Your Future - Anthony Saccaro #6227 - Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network@FsnGoldandSilver

link2source - TRANTIFA BORDER PATROL ASSASSINS! - The Prather Point

link2source - Why This Nobel Economist Thinks Bitcoin Is Going to Zero, with Eugene Fama - Stigler Center@StiglerCente

link2source - LARRY JOHNSON and ANDREI MARTYANOV / WILL THEY TRY TO ASSASINATE PUTIN? - Through the eyes of@Throughtheeyesof

link2source - The Future Of Crypto & Stablecoins Under Trump | Austin Campbell - Blockworks Macro@BlockworksHQ

link2source - Energy Poverty, Depletion, and 'Green' Ambitions with Scott Tinker | TGS 161 - Nate Hagens@thegreatsimplification

link2source - Trump's Border Blitz PROVES Immigration Was Used to Punish Americans | 1/30/25 - Auron MacIntyre@AuronMacIntyre

link2source - "Coffee and a Mike" with Dave Collum and Jim Kunstler | ERA of V-SHAPE RECOVERY IS OVER - Michael Farris (Coffee and a Mike)@Coffeeandamike

link2source - RFK Senate Hearing Fiasco; Caroline Kennedy, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders - Trailer Trash Tim@trailertrashtim1



link2source - Will Trump Have The US Government BUY Zcash? - Zcash Media@ZcashMedia

***** Z-CASH - ZEC


link2source - MUST SEE: Big Pharma Owned Senators Expose Themselves During Epic RFK Jr Hearing! FULL SHOW 1/29/25 - War Room


link2source - BlackRock and the Bitcoin Circular Economy - Bitcoin University@Bitcoin_University - link2source - Arbitrage: How Arbitraging Works in Investing, With Examples - " Arbitrage is the simultaneous purchase and sale of the same or similar asset in different markets in order to profit from tiny differences in the asset’s listed price. "

***** BTC

link2source - 2025 Oil & Gas Outlook, Issues With The EIA & A Look At Some Energy Companies | HFI Research - Kontrarian Korner@KontrarianKorner U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - link  - link - Figure 9: Significant hydrocarbon plays within the Permian Basin


link2source - Mineral Interest vs. Royalty Interest [+Net Royalty Acres Calculation] - "Investors run the risk of exchanging an asset or participating in a contract far less valuable than the property itself. " - "A mineral interest is the absolute ownership of all minerals below the subsurface of a property. With rights to mine, exploit, or produce any and all resources. " - "Royalty interests do not represent physical properties."

***** ranger minerals DOT com RE: mineral versus royalty interest(s) - link - Ranger Land & Minerals



link2source - Bitcoin Rallies as Fed Greenlights Crypto Banking - The Bitcoin Layer@TheBitcoinLayer

link2source - Japan Inflation Explodes Higher on Rate Hikes, and Other Monetary Tragi-Comedies - Rafi Farber@endgameinvestor

link2source - A Psychologist Explains Why People Double Down on Dumb Ideas - The Machiavellians@TheMachiavellians

link2source - The Big Print w/ Lawrence Lepard (BTC219) - Preston Pysh@PrestonPysh Sound Money 

link2source - RogueNewsTV: Veles & AlgoCowboy Special Report. - RogueNews | ESW@RogueNews

link2source - Dr. Naomi Wolf: President Trump Has Undergone A Rapid Transformational Change & Jumped To Next Level - Banned DOT Video

link2source - The 14th Amendment Is a Mess | Guest: Ryan Turnipseed | 1/29/25 - Auron MacIntyre@AuronMacIntyre



link2source - Breaking! Barack Obama Comes Out In Support of Deportations! FULL SHOW 1/28/25 - War Room *

link2source - [SPECIAL] - COL. Douglas Macgregor : Trump and War. - Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom@judgingfreedom

link2source - Middle East Ceasefire Crisis | Ukraine War Updates | Shifting Global Politics - Conversations Among The Ruins@among_the_ruins

link2source - Cackling Boomers Mocking Bitcoin - Bitcoin University@Bitcoin_University

link2source - BREAKING: First Central Bank Adopting Bitcoin? | EP 1171 - Simply Bitcoin@SimplyBitcoin

link2source - LIBERAL MELTDOWN! Hegseth Revokes Milleys Security Detail, Might Demote Him - Styxhexenhammer666


Thanks for reading: Dramatic Evolvement to Upside-downdraft! Upward and onward to Bubblicious!

Visit my SUBSTACK : - Enjoy!


You're always welcome!


The goal of this publication is to inform humanity. Nothing in this publication should be interpreted as investment advice. Texan Gold Real Estate, LLC - Remember to always do your due diligence. Do not rely on my misinformed opinion(s). Be careful with your money and time, especially in this new, new economy! Make all decisions with caution! *

The complaint department has been permanently closed due to a lack of interest. *

FULL DISCLOSURE: If it seems too good to be true, or the offer you are considering feels at gut level to be a scam, it probably is. There may come a time to cut your losses. Better sooner-than-later. Things never go as planned. I take good advice from a former flying ace who survived.


Drain the Swamp
Drain the Swamp



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