************************ 12-02-2024 - World War III
link2source - Michael Yon and Mike Adams DO THE WORLD - fascinating interview on crypto, comet impacts... - Map the stars with detailed, artistic books. BBN cripto, impactos de cometas… - Mapea las estrellas con libros artísticos detallados.
link2source - Pre-Determined, Pre-desired Outcome with the Hegelian dialectic - Jamie Walden - Apophis, and the Inevitable and Imminent World War III - aminutetomidnite@aminutetomidnite2406
link2source - Burning it all Down on the Way Out - Epi-3590 - Jack Spirko@survivalpodcasting Hunder Biden
link2source - Affordable Housing Shortage and Its Effects on Rural America - Raymond - Thoughts and Mind@raymond_sycamore
link2source - Slop Economics - Why is 'Slop' bad, and what is it anyway? - Pillar of Garbage@PillarofGarbage
link2source - Do Laws Even Matter Anymore? The Hunter Biden Pardon - Pinball Preparedness@PinballPreparedness
link2source - WHAT on EARTH is GOING ON?! - Theoria Apophasis@KenTheoriaApophasis
link2source - SUNDAY WIRE EP 525 – ‘Back From the Brink’ guest Gerald Celente - 21st Century Wire@21stCenturyWireTV