link2source - Sisters in Crime (1951) (Roaring City) Crime, Film-Noir | with Hugh Beaumont | directed by William Berke - Cult Cinema Classics@CultCinemaClassics - The film is closely related to the 1951 film Pier 23, which was filmed simultaneously with the same director, producers and cast, and with similar opening sequences. - link - Roaring City is a 1951 American crime film produced and directed by William Berke and starring Hugh Beaumont, Edward Brophy and Richard Travis. - link2source - Wikipedia contributors. "Roaring City." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 19 Sep. 2024. Web. 15 Dec. 2024. - link - Catalog of Copyright Entries: Third series - "roaring city" 1951 * A bet on a fixed boxing match leads to death, intrigue, murder and romance in this banter-filled noir B-movie. - link - imdb DOT com - "San Francisco's a conservative place; famous for good food, good families, good business. And sometimes even people from Boston move out here. But down on the Waterfront, it's a different story [...]" - link - thrilling days of yesteryear DOT blogspot DOT com 2017/03 - forgotten-noir-fridays-roaring-city-1951 DOT html -
One Memorable Line After Another in this Black-and-White Movie: Roaring City roars.
"Well I've got a murder rap to beat." - O'Brian. However, "In the heat of battle, a fighter sometimes forgets himself." Practicality meets profundity. As a tangled web leaves Denny O'Brien, played by Hugh Beaumont, unravelling the string that will lead him to the evidence to exonerate himself of the murder he finds himself in the hot seat for. All for a lousy $200 he is never paid, but tries to collect. Enjoy following this Film-noir journey's twist-and-turns through a jungle of bookies, and, women who play amorous roles to ply money from O'Brian. If you expect him to act desperate, you may be in for a disappointment, but not from the movie. This fighter never loses his cool. - JL 12-14-24.
Sudden Panic Develops Redundant Meaning.
Je n’avais pas cessé en dormant de faire des réflexions - I had not stopped thinking while sleeping. link2source - A LA RECHERCHE DU TEMPS PERDU - TOME I - Du Côté de Chez Swann -
French Short Stories, Dylane Moreau - link - - A carefully curated collection of 30 French short stories with translations, vocabulary, and comprehension questions.
link2youtube - Faire le plein d'essence devient un luxe ! - Broute - CANAL+ - becomes a luxury Yes vous aime@yesvousaime549 link2youtube - Pour une viande écologique et responsable - Broute Food - CANAL+
face au peloton d'exécution - pratiques de facilitation ou brise-glace - link - Comment animer une formation par la pratique du brise-glaces. link2youtube - Les œufs : dangereux pour la santé ? - Le Nutriscope@lenutriscope
************* French
Nonsense is good for your brain.
link - The Importance of Nonsense
link2source - Sisters in Crime (1951) (Roaring City) Crime, Film-Noir | with Hugh Beaumont | directed by William Berke - Cult Cinema Classics@CultCinemaClassics - The film is closely related to the 1951 film Pier 23, which was filmed simultaneously with the same director, producers and cast, and with similar opening sequences. - link - Roaring City is a 1951 American crime film produced and directed by William Berke and starring Hugh Beaumont, Edward Brophy and Richard Travis. -
link2source - Wikipedia contributors. "Roaring City." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 19 Sep. 2024. Web. 15 Dec. 2024. - link - Catalog of Copyright Entries: Third series - "roaring city" 1951 * A bet on a fixed boxing match leads to death, intrigue, murder and romance in this banter-filled noir B-movie. -
link - imdb DOT com - "San Francisco's a conservative place; famous for good food, good families, good business. And sometimes even people from Boston move out here. But down on the Waterfront, it's a different story [...]" -
link - thrilling days of yesteryear DOT blogspot DOT com 2017/03 - forgotten-noir-fridays-roaring-city-1951 DOT html -
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Title: War, northwest gallery / Gari Melchers, artist. Abstract/medium: 1 photographic print.
By Gari Melchers - Library of CongressCatalog:
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* Public Domain,
I wish you peace!
Martin Armstrong
link2source - "Coffee and a Mike" with Martin Armstrong | TRUMPS PROPOSAL FOR TARIFFS - Michael Farris (Coffee and a Mike)@Coffeeandamike "10 to 12 trillion USD worth of resources under Crimea.", Face the Nation, Lindsey Graham. link - US senator says Ukraine is ‘gold mine’ with $12 trillion of minerals ‘we can’t afford to lose’ - Ukraine is a “gold mine” with $12 trillion worth of critical minerals, US Senator Lindsey Graham insisted in a TV interview. He said the West “can’t afford to lose”, and called to prevent Russia and China from accessing strategic natural resources. - By, Ben Norton - Published 2024-06-13
link2source - "Coffee and a Mike" Michael Yon and Matt Bracken | DIFFERENT TYPES OF GLOBALISTS - Michael Farris (Coffee and a Mike)@Coffeeandamike - It's about the conditions provided for in the dry forest. - The Irish are like the now-extinct Dodo bird. censorship and social manipulation British army: the NUDGE units - Behavioral Insights Team - link *
***************** General News: 12-16-24
link2source-YOUTUBE - L'effondrement d'Assad : une nouvelle ère pour le Moyen-Orient ? Avec GILBERT ACHCAR. - Frank Barat@FrankBarat77